Agile Coach - Scout24 Schweiz AG (April 2021 - today)
- Agile Coach: Supporting the continuous improvement of the team, promote agile's ways of working and best practices and promoting cross-functionality by including sales, marketing, customer-facing people and others, into product development.
- Process Coach: Ensuring agile principles within the team, organizing meetings, delivery ownership, ensuring team health and happiness
- Agile Guild Lead: Organize knowledge sharing across the whole company
- WOW Stream Lead: Leading our company-wide ways of working (WOW) leadership stream to improve leadership behavior within the company
- International Team: Working in an international team with people from Việt Nam, collaborating and coordinatig with remote tools
- Public Cloud Transformation: Driving transformations towards the AWS public cloud
- Product Owner: Owning and pushing our internal development performance dashboard tool (serverless AWS solution)
- Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, Spotify Model, Lean Startup, Change Management, Delivery Management
- Tech-Stack: TypeScript, JavaScript, AWS, AWS CDK, DynamoDB, S3, CloudFront, Lambda, LambdaEdge, Git, Github Actions
Founder and CEO - uay GmbH (September 2018 - today)
- Development: Creation of web applications and websites, maintenance, software testing and troubleshooting, documentation (frontend and backend)
- Architecture: Analysis and conception of the software architecture for new projects, as well as for the adaptation of existing projects
- Projekt Management: Planning small projects with agile methods
- Administration: Accounting, trust, insurance and business analysis
- Tech-Stack: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, NextJS, Gatsby, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Software Engineer Android - Scout24 Schweiz AG (February 2019 - March 2021)
- Product Development: Adding features, maintenance, software testing and troubleshooting, documentation and architecture
- Agile Coach: Ensuring agile principles within the team, organizing meetings, delivery ownership, ensuring team health and happiness
- International Team: Working in an international team with people from Việt Nam, collaborating and coordinatig with remote tools
- Leadership: Supporting the company with their new leadership initiative
- Tech-Stack: Kotlin, Java, Gradle, Jenkins, Google Play Console, Firebase, Github, Git
Software Engineer Full Stack - Intersim AG (September 2014 - August 2018)
- Development: Creation of web applications and websites, maintenance, software testing and troubleshooting, documentation (frontend and backend)
- Architecture: Analysis and conception of the software architecture for new projects, as well as for the adaptation of existing projects
- Projekt Management: Planning small projects with agile methods
- Product-Owner: Responsible for the e-mail marketing department (service for customers)
- UX-Design: Drafts, concepts and suggestions for improving UX
- Tech-Stack: PHP, Symfony, Solr, Git, Gitlab, node, MS SQL, Jenkins, .NET, C#, ASP, Javascript, NodeJS, React, Angular, jQuery, Twig, npm, gulp, yarn, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Xamarin, Apache Cordova, Swift, Java, IIS, Piwik, Google Analytics, Nginx, Linux
Internship Software Engineer (in French) - Infoteam SA (January - May 2014)
- Webdesign: Implementation of a web application for the display and adaptation of energy consumption data with .NET, C# and Kendo UI.
- Application development: Realization of visualization tools for monitoring the vibrations of rotating machines
Certified Information Technologist (in French) - Ecole des Métiers Fribourg (August 2010 - July 2014)
- Development: Creation of applications and websites, project management, software testing and bug fixing, documentation
- System: Service desk, databases, installation and maintenance of IT equipment (computers and servers)
- Network: Construction, maintenance and troubleshooting of a network (CISCO switches and routers)